Links for aero skins and tools that I use

Aero10 theme example

Aero Skins

Aero lite example

Aero Skins

Aero10 theme

Aero10 is very accurate Windows 7 or Windows Vista theme for Windows 10, including support for text glow for easier readability

However, it needs UxThemePatcher to allow third party themes. It may cause Windows to not boot on some computers.

  1. Download Aero10 from deviantart
  2. Extract the contents of the "themes" folder into C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\
  3. Download UxThemePatcher from
  4. Run UxThemePatcher, and patch the system files
  5. restart windows, and them apply the Aero10 theme that will appear in Windows personalization setting

I am not responsible if this theme makes your windows not boot. If you are scared, use the Aero Lite theme instead, that one is 100% brick free.

Aero Lite theme on Windows 10

Alternatively to Aero10, you can use Aerolite, which is leftover theme in Windows 8 thats still in Windows 10 and 11.

This hidden theme reenables windows borders and red close button.

  1. Go to C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\
  2. Create copy of aero.theme and rename it to aerolite.theme
  3. Open in text editor
  4. Change line 4 to ; Windows - IDS_THEME_DISPLAYNAME_AEROLITE
  5. Change line 41 to DefaultValue=Windows Aero Lite
  6. On line 51, change Path=%ResourceDir%\Themes\Aero\Aero.msstyles to Path=%ResourceDir%\Themes\Aero\Aerolite.msstyles
  7. Press CTRL + S, and double click the aerolite.theme

DwmBlurGlass for enabling transparent borders on Windows 10:

Open Shell:

Open Shell Win7Like Combo skin: (scroll down for the latest version)
Copy to C:\Program Files\Open-Shell\Skins

Open Shell Windows 7 start button texture:

Open Shell Windows 7 taskbar texture:

Set horizontal stretch to tile, and vertical stretch to stretch

7TSP GUI 2019 Edition for patching icons:

Icon pack for 7TSP:

Wavefox skin for Firefox 115 ESR

Wavefox example (with Aero lite)
